Classroom Languages are commonly used in encouraging students, asking home work, praising students, Instructions for test and wishing student and ending class.

Encouraging students to ask / answer questions
-- Who knows the answer?
-- Raise your hand.
-- Volunteer please.
-- Anyone else wants to try?
-- Come on, dear, you try.
-- Who wants to read?
-- That’s good, come and read.
-- Come and do it on the board.
-- Good try, but it is not correct. Try again.
-- Let’s do it together.
-- You are doing it perfectly.
-- What do you think about it?
-- What is your opinion? It is OK to share.

Asking students to hand in their homework
-- Have you done your homework?
-- Those of you who haven’t done the homework, please raise your hand.
-- Give me good reason for not doing your work.
-- This is not a good excuse.
-- Please put your homework on my desk.
-- Siti, can you collect everyone’s work, thank you?
-- If you haven’t done your homework, do it as soon as possible.
-- Hand in your work.
-- Submit your homework.

Praising your students
-- Good Job!
-- Excellent work!
-- Fantastic work!
-- Well done!
-- That’s right!
-- Terrific job!
-- You are correct.
-- Good thinking.
-- That’s an excellent question.
-- Perfect work!
-- Very creative.
-- I am so proud of you.
-- You have made me proud.
-- Good try!
-- You can do better than this.
-- I have complete faith in you.
-- Good job! That is perfect.
-- That’s an excellent question.

Instructions for test
-- Please write your name and class on the test.
-- Read carefully before starting the test.
-- Use black pen/pencil only.
-- Ask if you do not understand anything.
-- Time is up.
-- Stop writing.
-- Five more minutes left.
-- Please stop.
-- Put your pens down.
-- Leave your tests on your desk.
-- Bring your tests here.
-- Is everyone done?
-- Has everyone submitted their tests?

Wishing the students
-- Have a good day!
-- Happy birthday!
-- Many many happy returns of the day!
-- Good luck!
-- All the best!
-- Best wishes!
-- Good luck for your exams.
-- Good luck for the competition. I hope you are victorious.
-- Get well soon!
-- Have good holidays!
-- Happy New Year!
-- Enjoy your holidays!

Ending the class
-- Let’s recap before we go.
-- Can you summarize what I said?
-- OK class, we will stop here.
-- We will continue next week.
-- Let’s wrap it for this week.
-- Do you have any questions before we end this class for today?
-- Any questions before we stop?
-- Let’s stop here.
-- Before we stop, tell me what have you learnt today.
-- Since we finished early, how about we play a game?
-- There are few minutes left, you can check your work again.
-- Saved by the bell, we will continue next week.
-- No time left, let’s continue in next class.
-- OK everyone, let’s call it a day.
-- Goodbye everyone!
-- Have a nice day!

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